Crazy Video Of Full Blown Bat Fight At White Sox Feeder Program Facility Is One Hell Of A Way To Build Team Chemistry

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This must be one of those new age coaching techniques we don’t even know about yet. Trust falls, 2 truths and a lie, rope courses on company retreats, all of that stuff is so old school and lame. You want to build a championship team, you want your players to trust and love one another? 2 words. Bat Fight. Because make no mistake, the team that bashes each other in the face with bats together, wins together, old Dominican trick. Kind of makes the Cubs seems soft now. We’ve got Joe Maddon and his new age coaching techniques when in reality all you need is a couple of bats and 2 topless bros in a mild disagreement. Keep it simple Joe, stay with what works, need more bat fights.


In all seriousness though I hope guy number 2 is still alive, that last hit was tough to watch.





Whitesoxdave’s note because he can’t log in to the new site – “Love it.  I’ve said it 100 times the Sox need to go back to playing the same style of baseball that won them a World Series in 2005.  Grinder rule #142: go ‘Bear Jew’ on your teammates in the locker room.  The future of this organization has never been brighter.”



h/t SF

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